Watchmaker Genomics at ESHG 2022
September 4th – 6th | Denver, CO | Booth 201

Watchmaker is on a quest to maximize data recovery and integrity from challenging samples in sensitive applications, including:

  • Liquid biopsy
    • Excellent library conversion efficiency delivers increased coverage of rare variants
  • PCR-free WGS
    • Improved coverage of challenging GC-rich regions reduces sequencing costs
    • High library conversion efficiency enables inputs as low as 75 ng
  • FFPE analysis

Visit us at booth 201 to learn more!


Overcoming NGS library prep data quality bottlenecks relevant to clinical sequencing applications
Presented by Travis Sanders, Sr. Research Scientist

Thursday, September 5th
2:15 pm – 2:35 PM
Adams Ballroom B/C/D
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Scientific Poster

Optimized DNA library preparation workflows to overcome challenges common to critical sample types
Poster Number 311

Thursday, September 5th
4:40 – 6:40 PM


Meet our Team

We’d love to learn about your projects! Stop by Booth 201 or schedule a meeting to talk about our new products and early access programs.

Kristina Giorda

Sr Product Manager

Schedule a meeting: Email

Dustin Hite

Product Manager

Schedule a meeting: Email

Travis Sanders

Sr Research Scientist

Schedule a meeting: Email

Darren Duncan

Reg Acc Mgr

Schedule a meeting: Email

Max Boeck

Sr Support Scientist

Schedule a meeting: Email

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Visit the AGBT Precision Health page for more information about the event.