
NGS has revolutionized genomics research and with increased throughput demands, automation plays a crucial role in improving efficiency, accuracy, and reproducibility. As experts in NGS library preparation, we understand the importance of automation and design our products with automation in mind. Our kits include generous overages, combined reactions for simplified workflows, master mixed formulations for single reagent additions, and stable products all of which enable the use of automation.

Our Automation Team is focused on building robust, easy-to-use methods to support our NGS library prep kits on popular third party automated liquid handling platforms. Our experts can provide consultative support for optimizing your automated workflow and develop customized solutions tailored to your lab’s needs.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve reproducible and reliable NGS results using your automation.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Generous overages to meet dead volume requirements
  • Simplified workflows with fewer purifications, reagent additions, and reduced consumables
  • Purpose-designed enzymes with optimized buffer formulations for NGS applications
  • Library of available scripts on popular third party automation platforms
  • Consultative support to optimize your automated workflow

Automation Script Availability for Watchmaker NGS Prep Kits

Automation Vendor Platform DNA Library Prep Kit with Fragmentation DNA Library Prep Kit mRNA Library Prep Kit RNA Library Prep Kit with Polaris Depletion RNA Library Prep Kit
Revvity* Sciclone™ G3 NGSx Workstation D
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences Biomek® i7 Hybrid NGS Workstation D
SPT Labtech firefly® D D
Eppendorf epMotion® 5075t
Hamilton NGS STAR™ (LSA) D
Agilent Bravo NGS Workstation D D

* Formerly known as PerkinElmer
✓ = Complete
D = In development
All products and platforms listed are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Last updated 17-JUL-2024

Automation Vendor Platform DNA Library Prep Kit with Fragmentation DNA Library Prep Kit mRNA Library Prep Kit RNA Library Prep Kit with Polaris Depletion RNA Library Prep Kit
Revvity* Sciclone™ G3 NGSx Workstation D
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences Biomek® i7 Hybrid NGS Workstation D
SPT Labtech firefly® D D
Eppendorf epMotion® 5075t
Hamilton NGS STAR™ (LSA) D
Agilent Bravo NGS Workstation D D

* Formerly known as PerkinElmer
✓ = Complete
D = In development
All products and platforms listed are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Last updated 17-JUL-2024

Questions on how to access scripts
or don’t see what you’re looking for?

Questions on how to access scripts
or don’t see what you’re looking for?


Latest Automation Update

New Application Note

Automated Watchmaker mRNA Library Prep Kit
on Sciclone™ G3 NGSx

Automated Watchmaker mRNA Library Prep Kit on Sciclone™ G3 NGSx


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