Cover your bases at scale

While DNA library preparation has become commonplace in most genomics labs, many challenges related to performance, reliability, and scalability remain — particularly when DNA template is limited or of variable quality. Watchmaker offers two streamlined and flexible workflows that address all sample types while yielding high conversion rates, reduced bias and artifacts, and reproducible results.

Key Highlights:

  • Reduce sequence bias and artifacts to improve accuracy and sensitivity
  • Improve coverage of low-frequency variants in cfDNA from liquid biopsies
  • Rapidly prepare libraries in under 2 hours with as little as 500 pg
  • Robust and consistent enzymatic fragmentation simplifies library prep from FFPE and low-inputs

Simple, automatable workflows for all sample types

Watchmaker DNA-Seq Solutions
Figure 1. Simple DNA library prep solutions. Watchmaker’s DNA portfolio offers highly streamlined workflows to address all DNA sample types. Samples requiring fragmentation use a consolidated enzymatic fragmentation and A-tailing step (Frag/AT), while pre-fragmented samples (e.g., cfDNA or mechanically sheared DNA) use a combined end-repair and A-tailing step (ER/AT). Amplifiable libraries may be prepared in approximately 1.25 to under 2 hours, respectively. For applications requiring PCR, Equinox polymerase provides excellent fidelity and yields while only adding about 1 hour to the overall workflow.

Product comparison

  Watchmaker Library DNA Library Prep Kit
with Fragmentation
Watchmaker Library DNA Library Prep Kit
Input dsDNA that requires fragmentation dsDNA that is already sheared or does not require fragmentation
Input range < 1 ng to 500 ng 500 pg – 1 µg
Library prep time
(excluding PCR)
90 – 140 min
(including enzymatic fragmentation)
115 – 170 min
(from fragmented input)
Adapter compatibility Full-length UDI or CDI adapters
“Stubby” adapters
Adapters with/without UMIs
 Full-length UDI or CDI adapters
“Stubby” adapters
Adapters with/without UMIs
Supports PCR-free workflows Yes Yes
Single tube library prep Yes Yes
Tunable size selection Optional Optional
Automation-friendly workflow Yes Yes

Sample type compatibility

  Watchmaker Library DNA Library Prep Kit
with Fragmentation
Watchmaker Library DNA Library Prep Kit
Genomic DNA X X
Plasmids and vectors X X
Long amplicons X X
cfDNA   X
Bisulfite-converted DNA*   X
Short PCR products   X

*In combination with Equinox Uracil Tolerant Library Amplification Kits.

Application fit

  Watchmaker Library DNA Library Prep Kit
with Fragmentation
Watchmaker Library DNA Library Prep Kit
Whole genome sequencing (human, microbial) X X
Targeted sequencing (hyb. capture) X X
Somatic and germline variant detection X X
Copy number variation (CNV) analysis X X
Detection of translocations and other structural variants X X
Metagenomic analysis X X
Bulk RNA-seq (from full-length or fragmented cDNA) X X
Viral sequencing X X
cfDNA / ctDNA / liquid biopsy analysis   X
Fragmentomics   X
ChIP-seq   X
Methyl-seq*   X

*In combination with Equinox Uracil Tolerant Library Amplification Kits.

Learn more about:
Watchmaker RNA Library Prep Solutions

Watchmaker RNA Library Prep Kits

Generate stranded, high-complexity RNA-seq libraries in under 3.5 hours with inputs ranging from 0.25 to 100 ng total RNA

Watchmaker Equinox Library Amplification Kits

Equinox Library Amplification Kits

Ultra-high-fidelity DNA polymerase in an optimized master mix, specifically developed for high-efficiency, low-bias NGS library amplification

Watchmaker DNA Library Preparation Kits with Fragmentation

Watchmaker DNA Library Prep Kits with Fragmentation

A streamlined single-tube chemistry with reduced bias and artifacts. Ideally suited for PCR-free workflows, ultra-low inputs, and low-quality DNA samples including FFPE