"Advancing NGS library preparation using sophisticated enzyme engineering approaches" at AGBT 2023
February 5-8, 2024 | The Caribe Royale Resort, Orlando FL | Bonaire 3

Stop by Bonaire 3 to become a boss – a sequencing boss 😎! Own your time and your results with library preps that are rapid and deliver superior data quality with challenging samples, including:

  • DNA Library Prep Solutions that address all sample types while yielding high conversion rates, reduced bias and artifacts, and reproducible results.
  • RNA Library Prep Solutions that deliver superior sensitivity with FFPE and low-input samples and enable library prep in < 5 hours, including mRNA enrichment and rRNA depletion.
  • Equinox Library Amplification Kits that provide excellent fidelity, uniform sequence coverage, and high library complexity for sensitive applications.

You won’t want to miss this!
Watchmaker gear, including
fidget cubes, shirts, and a special treat.


Flipping the script on DNA methylation sequencing: A positive readout to enable multimodal analyses
Wednesday, 4:05 – 4:20 PM, Palms Ballroom ll & lll

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Scientific Posters:

Tuesday, 1:30 – 3:30 PM, Palms I Ballroom
A novel modular method for high throughput, multiplexed normalization of NGS libraries (Poster 508)

Wednesday, 4:45 – 6:10 PM, Palms I Ballroom
An innovative engineering platform generates novel polymerases to overcome limitations in genomics applications (Poster 517)
TET Assisted Pyridine-Borane Sequencing version 1.0 – A rapid, scalable, and non-destructive sequencing approach to methylation profiling (Poster 643)

Be a boss and get your glow on!
Visit Bonaire 3 at 9:30 PM on Tues and be transported back in time.

Watchmaker’s B!tchin’ 80’s Party
Glow like a boss!
Tuesday, February 6th, 9:30 PM in Bonaire 3