"Advancing NGS library preparation using sophisticated enzyme engineering approaches" at AGBT 2023

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February 6-9, 2023 | The Diplomat Beach Resort, Hollywood FL | Suite 314

Join us in Suite 314 to learn about Watchmaker’s unique innovation platform that layers specifically engineered enzymes into rapid NGS library prep solutions tailored for increased sensitivity, including our:

Visit the AGBT General Meeting page for more information about the event.


Daily Perks in Suite 314 DAILY PERKS
Watchmaker Suite
Tuesday and Wednesday, 11am – 3pm | Thursday 10am-12pm

Escape the mid-day slump and recharge with our gourmet espresso station!

Cirque de Seq at AGBT 2023CIRQUE DE SEQ
Watchmaker Suite 314
Tuesday @ 9:30 PM

Indulge in some classic carnival treats and enjoy the curiosities at our Click2Win fest.

In-Suite Posters

Improving gene detection sensitivity from clinically relevant low-input and FFPE RNA samples utilizing a rapid whole transcriptome library prep workflow

Enabling high-stringency, clinically relevant applications with highly scalable and accurate DNA library preparation workflows

Broadening the NGS Landscape with Watchmaker Library Prep and the Element AVITI™ System

Watchmaker Swag

You won’t want to miss this
Watchmaker gear, including
truckers, tees, and wrist wear

Ready to discuss your next project?

Request a copy of our posters

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